Half Life 2 – TRUE 3D Generated Stereoscopic Images
We all know that video games have been in three dimensions for years now. But one thing these games are lacking are a true sense of depth perception. I have generated some stereoscopic images that allow you to see the HL2 Engine in true 3D glory! No special glasses or fancy monitors needed.
Half-Life in TRUE 3D.
We all know that video games have been in three dimensions for years now. But one thing these games are lacking are a true sense of depth perception. I have generated some stereoscopic images that allow you to see the HL2 Engine in true 3D glory! No special glasses or fancy monitors needed.
How do I see the 3D effect?
In order to see this amazing effect, you need to learn how to control your eyes to focus on images in a different way than they are used to. In order to see these images in 3D, you need to basically cross your eyes, so that your left eye sees the right image, and your right eye sees the left image. This may take some time in order to get your eyes to focus correctly. You can start by looking at the images then hold up a finger to the image, then look at your finger, and pull it back slowly until the two images become one. Keep looking at your finger until the two images become one, then pull your finger away without letting your eyes refocus on the monitor. It takes some time to get used to doing this, but it is well worth it to see the amazing effect.
Click each picture to get the large version:

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